CFT de Magallanes signs collaboration agreement with TEG Chile

CFT de Magallanes signs collaboration agreement with TEG Chile

CFT de Magallanes signs collaboration agreement with TEG Chile

A collaboration agreement was signed in Porvenir between the Technical Training Center of Magallanes (CFT) and TEG Chile, the company that will develop the Gente Grande renewable hydrogen project. This agreement seeks to promote collaborative work in academic matters around the new industry that is being developed in the region and, in particular, in Tierra del Fuego.

In this regard, José Margozzini Guglielmetti, general manager of TEG Chile, referred, who, in addition to thanking the CFT of Magallanes for the opportunity to conclude a collaboration agreement, said: “We have no doubt that this will be a contribution to the community of Porvenir, Tierra del Fuego, for the youth. We truly believe that this is an opportunity that fills us with joy thinking of the development it promotes”.

He also stressed that, as a company setting up on the island of Tierra del Fuego, they have an obligation: “to help train young technicians who, hopefully, will be able to join our project to work in the future. There is still time to go, it is a long process, but we are taking the first steps to give confidence and generate welfare and incorporate ourselves as good neighbors to the community”.

Similarly, the rector of the CFT de Magallanes, Valeria Gallardo Abello, commented on the signing of this agreement: “The idea is that we can develop, together, collaborative activities for the community of Porvenir, where the company will be installed, not only in the field of training, but also in the extension of scientific dissemination, of study activities with the pre-university that began last year, and concretize several actions that are beneficial for the CFT in the training issue, but also for the company in matters of H2V and related topics”.

The agreement incorporates, among other sections, mutual support in training matters for the community of Tierra del Fuego, not only for the students, but also for all the inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego.
Finally, it should be noted that the CFT of Magallanes and TEG Chile have already carried out joint work, such as the first pre-university program for young people from Tierra del Fuego and the Tierra del Fuego Avanza program, both of which will be carried out again in 2024.

Date: May 16th, 2024.